Alle Studienprogramme an der University of Auckland, Neuseeland, für ein Auslandssemester oder einen Fulldegree. IEC hilft dir bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kurse und der Anerkennung deiner Studienleistungen als Freemover an der Heimatuniversität.
Auslandssemester im Bachelor
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Academic English Studies
- Chinese
- English
- English Writing
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Russian
- Samoan
- Spanish
- Tongan
- Linguistik
- Academic English Studies and Linguistics
- Linguistics
- Geschichte
- Ancient History
- History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Asian Studies
- Cook Islands Māori
- Latin American Studies
- Māori Studies
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Classical Studies
- Comparative Literature
- Fine Arts
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Creative Writing
- Writing Studies
- Musik
- Ethnomusicology
- Music
- Klassische Philologie
- Greek (Ancient)
- Hebrew
- Latin
- Film und TV
- Media, Film and Television
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Sportwissenschaften
- Physical Education
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Rechnungswesen
- Accounting
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Commercial Law
- Economics
- Personalwesen
- Employment Relations and Organisation Studies
- Finanzen
- Finance
- Taxation
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Human Services
- Management
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Management
- Operations Research
- Planning
- Property
- International Business
- Marketing
- Marketing
- Logistik
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Anthropological Science
- Anthropology
- Social Science for Public Health
- Women's Studies
- Kriminologie
- Criminology
- Entwicklungsstudien
- European Studies
- Pacific Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- International Relations and Human Rights
- Politics and International Relations
- Soziale Arbeit
- Social Work
- Soziologie
- Sociology
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Theology
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Applied Mathematics
- Industrial Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Biologie
- Biological Sciences
- Ecology
- Biotechnologie
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Chemie
- Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Chemistry
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Earth Sciences
- Environmental Science
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Food Safety
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Geographie
- Geography
- Geology
- Geophysics
- IT
- Information Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Meeresbiologie
- Marine Science
- Pharmazie
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy
- Physik
- Physics
- Psychologie
- Psychology
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Architecture
- Bildende Künste
- Art History
- Darstellende Künste
- Dance
- Dance Studies
- Drama
- Design
- Design
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Civil Engineering
- Computational Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Systems Engineering
- Logic and Computation
- Software Engineering
- Elektrotechnik
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Optoelectronics
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Engineering Science
- Maschinenbau
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Education
- Education (TESOL)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Teaching (Early Childhood Education, Pasifika Early Childhood Education, Primary, Secondary,Huarahi Māori)
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Health Sciences
- Health Social Work Practice
- Nursing
- Optometry
- Physiotherapie
- Physiology
Auslandssemester im Master
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Rechnungswesen
- Accounting
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Commercial Law
- Economics
- Personalwesen
- Employment Relations and Organisation Studies
- Finanzen
- Finance
- Taxation
- International Business
- Management
- Management
- Operations Research
- Planning
- Property
- Effective Practice
- Marketing
- Marketing
- Logistik
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Community Emergency Care
- Community Health
- Disaster Management
- General Practice and Primary Health Care
- Health Promotion
- Māori Health (specialisation within Public Health)
- Pacific Health (Specialisation within Public Health)
- Public Health
- Verwaltungswissenschaften
- Public Policy
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Ancient History
- History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Asian Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Māori Studies
- Museums and Cultural Heritage
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Chinese
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Comparative Literature
- Fine Arts
- Classical Studies (Ancient History)
- Languages and Literature
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Creative Writing
- Translation
- Writing Studies (Creative Writing)
- Klassische Philologie
- Greek (Ancient)
- Latin
- Linguistik
- Linguistics
- Applied Linguistics
- Film und TV
- Media, Film and Television
- Screen Production
- Musik
- Music
- Ethnomusicology (Anthropology)
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Sportwissenschaften
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Anthropology
- Women's Studies
- Kriminologie
- Criminology
- Forensic Science
- Entwicklungsstudien
- European Studies
- Pacific Studies
- Development Studies
- Māori and Pacific Health
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- International Relations and Human Rights
- Politics and International Relations
- Soziale Arbeit
- Social Work
- Soziologie
- Sociology
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Theology
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Applied Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Mathematics Education
- Biologie
- Biological Sciences
- Behavioural Science
- Biosecurity and Conservation
- Biotechnologie
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Sciences
- Bioengineering
- Bioinformatics
- Bioscience Enterprise
- Chemie
- Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Chemistry
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Earth Sciences
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Management
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Food Safety
- Food Process Engineering
- Food Science
- Nutrition
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Wine Science
- Geographie
- Geography
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Applied Geology
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Geothermal Energy Technology
- IT
- Information Systems
- Digital Security
- Health Informatics
- Meeresbiologie
- Marine Science
- Pharmazie
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Physik
- Physics
- Psychologie
- Psychology
- Applied Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Psychiatry
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Architecture
- Sustainable Design (Architecture)
- Urban Design
- Urban Planning
- Bildende Künste
- Art History
- Darstellende Künste
- Dance Studies
- Drama
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Management
- Earthquake Engineering
- Computational Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Systems Engineering
- Logic and Computation
- Software Engineering
- Data Science
- Elektrotechnik
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Engineering Science
- Engineering Management
- Yacht Engineering
- Maschinenbau
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Energy
- Werkstoffkunde
- Light Metals Reduction Technology
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Transportation Engineering
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Education
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Academic Practice
- Educational Leadership
- Language Teaching and Learning
- Teaching (Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary)
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Health Sciences
- Nursing
- Optometry
- Advanced Nursing
- Alcohol and Drug Studies
- Anaesthesiology
- Anatomy
- Audiology
- Clinical Education
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Mammography
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Nursing
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Opthalmology
- Paediatrics
- Palliative Care
- Pathology
- Speech Language Therapy Practice
- Speech Science
- Ultrasound
- Youth Health
- Physiotherapie
- Physiology
- Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Rechtswissenschaften
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Civil Law
- International Law
- Legal studies
- Public Law
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Linguistik
- Bachelor of Arts in Academic English Studies and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Geschichte
- Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Ethnomusicology (Minor Subject only)
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies (Minor Subject only)
- Bachelor of Arts in Māori Studies
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Japanese
- Bachelor of Arts in Korean
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts in Classical Studies
- Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Klassische Philologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Greek (Ancient)
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin
- Film und TV
- Bachelor of Arts in Media, Film and Television
- Musik
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Music
- Philosophie
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Journalismus
- Bachelor of Arts in Writing Studies
- Sportwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Science
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Science for Public Health
- Bachelor of Arts in Women's Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Anthropological Science
- Kriminologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Bachelor of Arts in European Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Pacific Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations
- Soziologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Soziale Arbeit
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Bachelor of Theology
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Bildende Künste
- Bachelor of Arts in Art History
- Darstellende Künste
- Bachelor of Arts in Dance (Minor Subject only)
- Bachelor of Arts in Drama
- Bachelor of Dance Studies
- Architektur
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies
- Bachelor of Urban Planning
- Design
- Bachelor of Design
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
- Personalwesen
- Bachelor of Arts in Employment Relations and Organisation Studies
- Management
- Bachelor of Business and Information Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Commerce in Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Bachelor of Property
- Rechnungswesen
- Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Bachelor of Commerce in Commercial Law
- Finanzen
- Bachelor of Commerce in Finance
- Bachelor of Commerce in Taxation
- Bachelor of Commerce in International Business
- Marketing
- Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Bachelor of Human Services
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Bachelor of Education (Teaching) in Primary, Secondary, Huarahi Māori
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Bachelor of Education (Teaching) in Early Childhood Education, Pasifika Early Childhood Education
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Geographie
- Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geology (Earth Sciences)
- Bachelor of Science in Geophysics
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Bachelor of Arts in Logic and Computation
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts in Statistics
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Logic and Computation
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
- Psychologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bachelor of Technology
- IT
- Bachelor of Commerce in Information Management
- Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
- Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
- Biotechnologie
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Biomedical
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology
- Chemie
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Chemical and Materials
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Biologie
- Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Ecology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition
- Meeresbiologie
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Science
- Pharmazie
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology
- Physik
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Optometry
- Physiotherapie
- Bachelor of Science in Physiology
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Civil and Environmental
- Computational Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Computer Systems
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Software
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Elektrotechnik
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Electrical and Electronic
- Bachelor of Technology in Optoelectronics
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Engineering Science
- Maschinenbau
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Mechanical
- Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) - Mechatronics
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Law
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Master of Applied Finance
- Master of Taxation Studies
- Master of Commerce in Finance
- Verwaltungswissenschaften
- Master of Arts in Public Policy
- Master of Public Policy
- Master of Arts in Economics
- Master of Commerce in Economics
- Personalwesen
- Master of Arts in Employment Relations and Organisation Studies
- Rechnungswesen
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Commerce in Accounting
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Disaster Management
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Master of Commerce in Commercial Law
- Master of Commerce in International Business
- Master of International Business
- Management
- Master of Commerce in Management
- Master of Commerce in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Master of Management
- Master of Operations Research
- Master of Planning
- Master of Property
- Marketing
- Master of Commerce in Marketing
- Master of Marketing
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Master of Arts in Ancient History
- Master of Arts in History
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Master of Arts in Comparative Literature
- Master of Literature
- Master of Fine Arts
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Master of Arts in Museums and Cultural Heritage
- Master of Arts in Māori Studies
- Film und TV
- Master of Arts in Screen Production
- Master of Arts in Media, Film and Television
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Master of Arts in Translation
- Master of Professional Studies in Translation
- Master of Creative Writing
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Master of Arts in English
- Master of Arts in French
- Master of Arts in Italian
- Master of Arts in Japanese
- Master of Arts in Korean
- Master of Arts in Spanish
- Klassische Philologie
- Master of Arts in Greek (Ancient)
- Master of Arts in Latin
- Linguistik
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Musik
- Master of Arts in Music
- Philosophie
- Master of Arts in Philosophy
- Sportwissenschaften
- Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Master of Architecture (Professional)
- Master of Architecture in Sustainable Design
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Urban Design
- Master of Urban Planning
- Bildende Künste
- Master of Arts in Art History
- Darstellende Künste
- Master of Arts in Drama
- Master of Dance Studies
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Arts in Anthropology
- Master of Arts in Women's Studies
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Master of Arts in Development Studies
- Master of Arts in European Studies
- Master of Arts in Pacific Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Master of Arts in International Relations and Human Rights
- Master of Professional Studies in International Relations and Human Rights
- Master of Arts in Politics and International Relations
- Kriminologie
- Master of Arts in Criminology
- Master of Science in Forensic Science
- Soziale Arbeit
- Master of Social Work (Professional)
- Master of Social Work
- Soziologie
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Master of Theology
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Engineering Science
- Master of Engineering Management
- Computational Engineering
- Master of Professional Studies in Digital Security
- Master of Science in Computer Science
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Master of Energy
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Master of Earthquake Engineering
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Master of Arts in Education
- Master of Professional Studies in Education
- Master of Education
- Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Master of Educational Leadership
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Master of Health Sciences in Addiction and Mental Health
- Master of Health Sciences in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Master of Science in Optometry
- Master of Science in Speech Science
- Master of Health Sciences
- Master of Nursing
- Master of Audiology
- Master of Clinical Education
- Master of Speech Language Therapy Practice
- Physiotherapie
- Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Master of Science in Physiology
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Master of Laws
- Master of Legal Studies
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Master of Civil Law
- Master of International Law
- Master of Legal studies
- Master of Public Law
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Geographie
- Master of Arts in Geography
- Master of Science in Geology
- Master of Science in Geography
- Master of Science in Geophysics
- IT
- Master of Professional Studies in Data Science
- Master of Commerce in Information Systems
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Master of Professional Studies in Mathematics Education
- Master of Arts in Logic and Computation
- Master of Arts in Mathematics
- Master of Arts in Statistics
- Master of Science in Applied Mathematics
- Master of Science in Logic and Computation
- Master of Science in Mathematics
- Master of Science in Statistics
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Master of Professional Studies in Food Safety
- Master of Science in Food Science
- Master of Science in Wine Science
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Science in Applied Geology
- Biotechnologie
- Master of Science in Bioinformatics
- Master of Science in Biosecurity and Conservation
- Master of Science in Biomedical Science
- Master of Bioscience Enterprise
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Master of Science in Environmental Management
- Master of Science in Environmental Science
- Psychologie
- Master of Arts in Psychology
- Master of Science in Psychology
- Master of Health Psychology
- Biologie
- Master of Science in Biological Sciences
- Chemie
- Master of Science in Chemistry
- Meeresbiologie
- Master of Science in Marine Science
- Pharmazie
- Master of Science in Pharmacology
- Physik
- Master of Science in Physics
PhD & Doctorates
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Psychologie
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Musik
- Doctor of Musical Arts
- Doctor of Music
- Philosophie
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Doctor of Fine Arts
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Doctor of Education
Certificates & Diplomas
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Certificate in Languages
- Diploma in Languages
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Academic English Studies and Linguistics
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Chinese
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - English
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - French
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - German
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Italian
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Japanese
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Korean
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Spanish
- Geschichte
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Ancient History
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Asian Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Maori Studies
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Classical Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Comparative Literature
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Languages and Literature
- Klassische Philologie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Greek (Ancient)
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Latin
- Linguistik
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Linguistics
- Film und TV
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Media, Film and Television
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Screen Production
- Musik
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Music
- Graduate Diploma in Music
- Philosophie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Philosophy
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Writing Studies
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Graduate Certificate in Law
- Graduate Diploma in Law
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Anthropology
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Social Science for Public Health
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Women's Studies
- Kriminologie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Criminology
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Development Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - European Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Pacific Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Graduate Diploma in Arts – Politics and International Relations
- Soziologie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Sociology
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Bildende Künste
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Art History
- Darstellende Künste
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Drama
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Economics
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Economics
- Personalwesen
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Employment Relations and Organisation Studies
- Rechnungswesen
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Accounting
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce – Commercial Law
- Finanzen
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Finance
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - International Business
- Management
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Management
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Property
- Marketing
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Marketing
- Logistik
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Education
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Graduate Diploma in Education
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Geographie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Geography
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Logic and Computation
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Mathematics
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Statistics
- Psychologie
- Graduate Diploma in Arts - Psychology
- IT
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce - Information Systems
- Biotechnologie
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Bioengineering
- Chemie
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Science - Chemistry
- Biologie
- Graduate Diploma in Science - Biological Sciences
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Computational Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Computer Systems Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Software Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Science - Computer Science
- Elektrotechnik
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Engineering Science
- Maschinenbau
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering - Transportation